Akshi Ranka Socialising is not the cure but a catalyst to healing depression December 13, 2017 https://www.nakedtruth.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Socialising-can-cure-depression.jpeg

It is a well-churned piece of knowledge that socialising does have a part in curing depression. But, the question is, to what extent?

When you’re feeling the blues, it’s difficult to even pick up the energy to get out of bed. Naturally, going out and talking to people would feel like walking with a heavy heap on your back. But, when you do pick up the energy to engage in conversations with people around you, it does work wonders for your mental health.

Now here, what we need to understand is why does socialising help, how does it help, and where do we need to limit ourselves?


As humans, as different as we all are, our basic urges involve human contact. Whether you’re an outgoing extrovert or a person who prefers limited human interaction and more solace; in retrospect, we all don’t just crave but also need social proximity to survive.

An interaction with other people, be it of any form gives just as much boost to you as spending some time pursuing your favourite hobby would. We are programmed to survive on human connection and that includes a basic, intense or just a temporary form of social connection.

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Most of us might not even realise how many of our acquaintances must be suffering from mental ailments. Depression, anxiety and chronic stress are the most common ones. And, when we say, socialising cures depression, we are limiting the healing prospect of it.

Since the reason why socialising helps is extremely simple and basic, we can also say, it helps with every and any mental flaw under the sun.

It’s in our understanding that being really present in a social setting when suffering from any mental ailment is tough. However, knowing the effect of human interaction on mental health, we would also claim that it’s necessary.

If one has to force and drag oneself outside to meet people, old acquaintances or new, then do so. Accept social invitations even if your immediate instinct is to decline them. Meet old friends and family. Meet new people. Make small talk, engage in deep conversations or just surround yourself with lively people and energy. When in doubt, dine with immediate family, or a friend or two.

The point is not to enter full-blown permanent relationships with people around you. Of course, you pave way for them if a relationship heads that path. But, the main goal is just to live the essence of human interaction, temporary or otherwise.

Can Socialising Cure Depression?

What is important for you to know?

Socialising is healthy of course, but probably, to a certain extent. Depression is a state of mind where once you find an escape, you tend to dwell upon that. Dependency is what it may result in, which can get toxic.

Socialising is not the cure, indeed it is a catalyst to healing depression. And, that’s what you have to keep in mind when you resort to human connection as an escape.

Remember not to revolve your whole life around it. Also, remember not to depend on it.

Secondly, keep this one fact in mind. You are suffering from depression and it could be very well possible that others around you might as well. Every person has different dealing mechanisms. In general also, every individual is different. Therefore, when dealing with people, try to draw a virtual border between a person’s innate behaviour and their behaviour towards you.

Lastly, avoid toxic relationships but at the same time, do keep your eyes open to people around you. Perhaps, they’re also reluctantly looking for some healing tricks like you, right?

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Pursuing Masters in Literature and hold a keen interest in the subject of psychology. I live on books, writing, art, cooking and binge watching TV shows. Expressing thoughts on universal topics is my hobby, though one thing is for certain. I write better than I talk.

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